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Hard Flaccid


mecoach male enhancementThe following post is from our resident expert, Big Al, of MaleEnhancementCoach.com. meCoach can not only help you reach your unique male enhancement goals, but can also assist you with sexual health challenges.

What is Hard Flaccid?

There are a few bugbears which seem to afflict men when it comes to performance. One such issue is known as “hard flaccid”. This is when the penis takes on a compressed feel and appearance in the flaccid state due to an extreme voiding of blood from the penis. This phenomenon may affect part
(usually the central shaft) or all of the penis, and is sometimes accompanied by turtling (an extreme retraction of the penis.

It should be understood that hard flaccid (HF) is a symptom and not necessarily a thing unto itself.

How Did I Get Hard Flaccid?

The difficulty in treating longstanding hard flaccid issues is in attempting to establish an etiology. There can be many original causes of hard flaccid-

  • overtraining,
  • a strained pelvic floor,
  • stimulant/drug use or
  • anxiety.

What makes HF especially pernicious for some men is, while the original cause may have begun via some external mean(s), persistent anxiety can cause HF to remain long after any originating cause has dissipated.

It can be very difficult to not dwell on penile problems, but alleviating the mind of stress is going to be a necessary step towards healing. Not only can immediate stress create HF and other problems like ED, but longstanding/acute stress can negatively impact dopamine levels (making it difficult to get aroused) and even hormone levels.

What Should I Do If I Have Hard Flaccid?

Our recommendations regarding hard flaccid are as follows:

  • First, attempt to establish the cause. If you know specifically what’s caused the issue then attempt treatment.
  • If the cause is easily resolvable, e.g.- a minor injury, then REST – and leave your penis alone. Don’t “test” your penis frequently as this in and of itself can make the problem worse.
  • If the cause is likely due to stimulant use, stop taking all stimulants, unless prescribed by a physician.
  • Stop dwelling mentally on the problem. This too can cause a vicious cycle of negative thought patterns which will make the situation worse.
  • If the issue is severe and/or persistent, we HIGHLY recommend you seek medical assistance. Don’t spend weeks, months, or even years attempting to figure things out for yourself. When in doubt, always talk to your physician. Oftentimes, only a physical examination can identify the root cause of the issue.
  • Once you feel the issue is resolving itself, you should attempt LIGHT, stamina-focused training to attempt to maximize blood flow.
  • The exception to this is if the HF was caused by pelvic floor strain- in which case you’ll want to avoid Kegel-type movements or anything which might further strain the pelvic. floor. Light pumping or jelqs should be helpful in these types of cases.
  • During the recovery process you can conduct one or more sessions where moist heat and localized massage are used to promote blood flow and speed healing. Structure your sessions so you’re not tempted to overdo/abuse the process, and make sure to limit your massages/soaks to no more than 3 daily sessions to avoid making the issue worse.
  • You may also look towards erector type supplements for maximizing blood flow. Yohimbe, maca, L-Arginine, “5-G” and the like can all be very beneficial during this period. VigRX Plus is an excellent blood flow stimulator supplement.
  • Healing-type supplements like arnica and Butcher’s Broom can also help to speed healing.

NOTE: If you’re new to these supplements, make sure to talk with your physician, to make sure any current medications you are taking do not interact with your supplement. Also, start with the minimum recommended dosage.

  • If your hard flaccid is caused by pelvic floor weakness then beginning a program like the Hans Protocol can be beneficial. It’s VITAL you ease into the recommended sessions and make sure you come away from your workouts refreshed and not exhausted.
  • If recurring negative thoughts are a problem then learning to still the mind will be very important! When you feel negative thoughts creeping into your mind, visualize yourself stopping their intrusion. Regular meditation, positive self-affirmations and taking a proactive approach to reducing stress can all be very helpful in learning to control and retrain the mind.
  • If you still have challenges with keeping the negative thoughts at bay, talk with a mental health professional. They can help you develop tools to keep anxiety and worry from negatively affecting your life.
  • Don’t over-research hard flaccid. While educating one’s self can be a good thing, there’s so much data on these forums and elsewhere that it’s easy to overload on data and develop a form of hysteria. Clear examples of this can be seen on some of the forum threads. Do your best to focus on resolving the issue and not on dwelling in misery or frustration. Although voicing your fear about the problem can help you get support from other members who’ve had experience with hard flaccid, obsessively posting can take the positive support of a community and turn it into a negative factor.  The unwillingness to listen to advice or even attempting to place blame may does little to resolve the actual problem- on the contrary- negative thinking and self-pity is a sure way to allow issues to fester.

We hope you’ll find this article useful. If you have any recommendations or ideas to add to the above list please feel free to add your reply below.

44-Year Old Virgin Finally Going to Have Sex with A $65k Bionic Penis


Yes, that title sums it up.

Cue, Bionic Man intro…

Andrew-Wardle-bionic-penis-ITV-This-Morning-712282Andrew Wardle, a British man born without a penis, underwent a penile implant at London University Hospital, just a week ago, is getting excited to finally lose his virginity!

However, he and his girlfriend are going to half to wait just a little longer. Doctors are testing his implant with a 10-day long erection.  It will then be deflated, and then Wardle and his girl will have to wait another six weeks, before they do the horizontal mambo.

Wardle told MailOnline:

“I think having sex for the first time is more of a big deal for everyone else than it is for me. I’ve spent 44 years without a penis and I’ve coped with not having sex for all that time. It will take me a while to get in the swing of things. It will enable me to feel part of society.”

Wardle was born with bladder exstrophy. This very rare birth defect meant he has testicles, but no penis. His condition and now his new bionic penis, designed by urologist David Ralph, has led Wardle to want to help others.

“I get contacted by people all over the world with similar problems – some sexual and some without a penis – and I try to speak to all of them. Some are suicidal, in the last year alone five people have got in touch and I’ve talked them down from a ledge. I now want to work for charities that help to prevent suicide so I can help others.”

Wardle really has an amazing outlook on his condition, sex and relationships –

“I’m just happy to get my life back but I could understand how if you were born with a penis but lost it, it would be hard. A lot of people do think it’s about sex but it’s not, it’s about relationships and life.”

We here at PEGym wish him many, many years of happiness!

Missouri State Professor Looking for Volunteers for Penis Size Survey


alicia walker missouri state university penis size survey

What is the average penis size?

It’s a question we get time and time again, here on PEGym. We know there have been lots of previous studies. PEGym even did a survey of their members — READ THE RESULTS HERE. But, most surveys are self-reported, or are so small in size of participants, so the results have always been a little suspect.

Dr. Alicia Walker, of Missourit State University, wants to change that.

She and her research assistant are looking for at least 3,600 men to fill out their online survey and submit pictures of their penis, while measuring length and girth – flaccid and erect.

“We are not recruiting locally. I don’t want there to be anything dicey,” Dr. Walker said, adding she didn’t want colleagues, friends and neighbors to feel pressure to participate. “You don’t want there to be anything awkward.”

Walker, hired by Missouri State in 2016, said a man’s size can change his self-image and trigger depression and body dysmorphic disorder. “It’s serious. Some of them actually attempted suicide.”

“I’ve spoken to men who have been suicidal because of their anxiety and unhappiness with their size or perceived size,” Walker told the NY Post. “Men that haven’t been to the doctor in more than a decade or are not using a condom because they’re convinced they can’t get one that fit them.”

This unhappiness, depression and sometimes desperation is something we see on the PEGym forums daily.

“We need to be talking about men’s body dysmorphia, and the way our society worships size and the way that worship impacts men… It really is incredibly damaging,” she said, according to the Post. “They can’t admit that they feel this. Imagine carrying around all this anxiety about your body and then imagine you can’t even tell your friends?”

If you’d like to assist Dr. Walker, you can fill out her survey — HERE.

Hopefully, more scholarly research, on a large scale like this, will help us better understand average penis size and the very real problem of body dysmorphia in men.

The 3 Best Penis Exercises for Girth


3 Best Penis Girth ExercisesWhen you hear “penis enlargement” most people immediately think of increasing penis length.  However, most men don’t just want a longer penis – they want a thicker penis.

Here are our top 3 best penis exercises for increasing your penis’s girth!

#1 Penis Exercise for Girth: The Compressor

As the name implies, the Compressor uses compression to get girth expansion width-wise on the penis. Small bends are made along the penile shaft, in this penis exercise, to increase girth. Check out these resources for full details on how to properly do the Compressor:

#2 Penis Exercise for Girth: Horse Squeeze

The Horse Squeeze is a unique, two-handed version of the jelq. This penis exercise fills the penis with blood to expand the girth. Check out how to do the Horse Squeeze, complete with video instructions, here:

#3 Penis Exercise for Girth: ULI Bend

The Uli is one of the simplest penis girth improvement exercises. However, when done correctly, it can be very effective in helping you get to your girth goals. Check out written instructions, plus two videos on exactly how to do the Uli:

Psst! Stay Tuned for MONDAY!


We’ve been working pretty hard here at PEGym to come up with something pretty awesome! We’ve listened to you guys, and I think you’ll be pretty happy with this surprise.

PLUS, it’s just the beginning!!!

But, you’re going to have to wait until Monday to find out what it is!

Stay tuned!

Happy Friday!!!!

happy friday

Introducing – The PEXtender by PEGym!


We’ve been the leading website and forum community for male enhancement information for over a decade. It only makes sense that we have our own product line of PEGym branded, male enhancement products. Our first one is:

PEXtender Penis Extender Logo

We Listened to Bring the PEXtender Penis Extender to You

You wanted, a penis extender that was:

  • Comfortable
  • Easy to use
  • Effective
  • Could be worn under normal clothing,

..and most importantly, you wanted a penis extender that was


PEXtender by PEGym Penis ExtenderWhat Makes the PEXtender by PEGym Penis Extender Different?

The PEXtender is a revolutionary penis extender that harnesses vacuum power to provide permanent results. The PEXtender is easy to use, comfortable, and tested by the experts at PEGym. Regular use can add inches to the penis, fix penis curvature, and improve your erection quality.

Every purchase comes with a 7-Week Beginner Routine, developed by our resident expert, here at PEGym, Big Al of MaleEnhancementCoach.com!

Special Offer for FIRST 25 Buyers!

The first 25 people who purchase the new PEXtender will get 2 weeks of FREE meCoach personalized coaching! The guys over at meCoach will help ensure you get off on the right foot with adding your PEXtender to your male enhancement routine!

But, hurry, this offer is only good for the first 25 customers!!



pextender x mecoach 280x280 1


Selective Performance Anxiety/ Kegel Thrusts: Ask the Experts


big alBig Al, of MaleEnhancementCoach.com, answers questions about erection quality problems with the lights on and male incontinence, in this Ask the Experts article.

If you have questions you’d like answered in an Ask the Experts article, please PM Kimberly at PEGym – KMWylie – and she’ll have the experts here on PEGym get your questions.

Q. I’m a borderline ED client who does OK for the most part but penetration gives me some trouble…

…I’m about 50/50 on performance when it comes to PIV sex and if I don’t have lots of foreplay beforehand then I know I’ll have problems.  Help!

Big Al: First- by your own admittance you allude to there being a psychogenic component to your issue.  Unless your partner is extremely loose, there’s no physical reason why you should be experiencing this problem.  That being said, your complaint is a common one and rooted in selective performance anxiety.  Positive affirmation exercises performed daily should be a part of your mental training- as well as emotional visualization exercises performed during edging/Stop and Starts and Kegels.

Engaging in lots of foreplay is always a good idea (unless you’re after a “quickie”), and until you feel you’ve mastered your issue this would be a good way of keeping up your performance.

In addition to the affirmation and visualization techniques mentioned above, you can perform a specific type of movement I call the “Kegel Thrust”. During your edging/Stop and Starts (or sexual activity) perform a Kegel and focus on simulating penetration to the best of your ability.  FEEL the hardness of your penis as you thrust, and perform some reps where you penetrate deeply and can feel yourself fully erect starting from the root of your penis.  You should also vacillate between these deep thrust techniques and simulating penetrating with emphasis on the dorsal portion of your penis by pulling your penis slightly towards your feet (if you’re in a reclined position) to put extra emphasis on the PC muscles as you perform.

This particular movement is best performed in spurts during your edging exercises, but do NOT Kegel continuously throughout your edging sessions as this in and of itself can lead to problems.  Specifically, men who take up the habit of Kegeling constantly during edging and/or sex often find they HAVE TO continue to do so just to remain erect due to a negative conditioning effect.

Stealth for Men Innerwear & Corkscrew Reviews


stealth-innerwear-for-men-penis-enlargement-reviewIf you haven’t tried Stealth for Men Innerwear and Corkscrew

What are you waiting for?!  🙂

OK, seriously, I personally never buy anything without reading reviews. Heck, I don’t even try a new restaurant without checking it out on Google or Yelp! The Internet now makes it possible to actually get first-hand, real reviews, from people you normally would’ve never been able to hear from, before the Internet.

With this in mind, check out these reviews from real Stealth for Men users.

Stealth for Men Innerwear & Corkscrew Reviews

“I wish I could meet the inventors of Stealth and give them a hug or shake their hands. They changed my life in a way I never thought possible. As a tall guy with large thighs and a ‘grower’ I have always been self-conscious about looking ‘small.’ Now, I feel big, thick, whole and complete. My interactions with women are way, way more positive and my performance in bed has improved as well. I could go on and on but you owe it to yourself to try this product if you are looking to improve this side of your life.” – P


“I’ve been trying for years to find something to end my turtling. I like Stealth because it’s flexible and that it’s designed to keep from turtling. I’d recommend it to anyone looking to stop turtling” – Jeff C


“Stealth is the most comfortable stretcher device out there. It has aided in cementing my gains and gives a very nice bulge in the pants. It is amazing during winter to keep the member warm, and also looks natural. Consequently because I have used stealth, it has allowed me to go up a couple of sizes. Which makes the wife happy. And makes the ladies eyes go big. Thanks stealth!”  – Charles


“I was looking for a way for me to keep my gains and it brought me to your interesting site. It looked to be a holy grail to a way to keep my gains. The material is firm and allows no turtling. Stealth has made my shaft like steel and my wife has noticed the impact both in size, stamina, and the amount of ejaculation! Already recommended it to 5 of my friends!” – @foreverpharaoh


“Great product and the customer service is hands down the best that there is. This company really cares about the customers and deserves every penny earned. Awesome all around” – Antonio


“Until I found this product, I tried and failed in keeping my member in a nice, long, flaccid state. Not only does it boost my confidence and ego, but it really helped me to cement the gains in size, which I would lose had it not been for Stealth. I believe it also helped me in training a longer and thicker member. Soon I will order a few sizes larger Stealth innerwear.” – @et


“Great product. Easy to use. Can wear it all day. Can go to the bathroom with it on so way less hassle than other products. Comfortable. Easy to wash and has really helped with my turtling. I now after 6 months have a more pronounced hang and have gone up 2 sizes. I would recommend this to any guy” –Chris I


“Great tool for anti-turtling and healing in the right state after pe-exercises. I have used it for 2-3 months. I’ve done pe-exercises for about a year. I can wear it comfortably while sleeping, while running, while biking, while lifting weights at the gym, basically in every situation, and the best thing is, it doesn’t slip at all, when you have the right size. it doesn’t show that you wear it either, but it does look like you´ve got a bigger package. But hey, that’s a plus! Another good thing about the product is the price, it´s not overpriced, and the quality is good. I really don´t have anything bad to say about the product. I recommend it to everyone who want to boost the process to get a bigger package or avoid turtling, beginners and veterans.” – Martin


“I have struggled for a long time with turtling. I found Stealth and I will never stop wearing it! Not only did stop my turtling it has increased my soft hang. I will be ordering more as my size increases!” – R Reuter


“Let me tell you, it does everything it says it will. Comfort, ease of care and the confidence while wearing it…….wow! If you are considering this product, you won’t be disappointed. A wonderful accessory for anyone that PE’s. Thanks Stealth………….. ” – Bruce M


“The quality of this product is outstanding! There was no faults and the delivery was on time as well. Great customer services who listens well to their customers.” – Sharm R.

How to Measure for Your Stealth for Men Innerwear & Corkscrew


Stealth for men penis enhancer innerwear corkscrew male enhancement how to measureOne of the best things about Stealth for Men Innerwear and Corkscrew is they specially fit their product to your size. However, this means measuring your penis is more important than ever.

Check out these instructions below,
to help make sure you get the
Stealth Innerwear and Corkscrew
sized properly for you!

How to Measure for Your Stealth for Men Innerwear & Corkscrew

To Measure Length

  • In the flaccid (soft) condition, clamp your penis head using your thumb and finger.
  • Fully extend your penis to a comfortable stretch.
  • Lightly press the ruler slightly (1/2″ only) into the fat pad towards the pubic bone.
  • Measure along your shaft without including your penis head.

To Measure Girth

  • Once again, fully extend your penis to a comfortable stretch.
  • Use a measuring tape to measure the circumference of your shaft right behind the penis head.
  • If you do not have a measuring tape, wrap a strip of paper or string behind your penis head.
  • Mark the strip of paper and then measure the paper or string on a ruler.

Here’s a great video showing you the process for both length and girth measurements to properly measure for your Stealth Innerwear & Corkscrew:

Once you’ve measure your penis length and girth, enter these numbers on Stealth for Men’s order page, and their calculator will automatically choose which size is best for you!


A Few More FREE 2 Weeks meCoach Memberships Left!


We’ve had amazing response to the release of the PEXtender!


Now, we only have a few more spots left with the FREE 2 week of MaleEnhancementCoach.com membership!

PEXtender Penis Extender Logo

We Listened to Bring the PEXtender Penis Extender to You

You wanted, a penis extender that was:

  • Comfortable
  • Easy to use
  • Effective
  • Could be worn under normal clothing,

..and most importantly, you wanted a penis extender that was


What Makes the PEXtender by PEGym Penis Extender Different?

PEXtender by PEGym Penis Extender Set No Pump

The PEXtender is a revolutionary penis extender that harnesses vacuum power to provide permanent results. The PEXtender is easy to use, comfortable, and tested by the experts at PEGym. Regular use can add inches to the penis, fix penis curvature, and improve your erection quality.

Every purchase comes with a 7-Week Beginner Routine, developed by our resident expert, here at PEGym, Big Al of MaleEnhancementCoach.com!

Special Offer for FIRST 25 Buyers!

The first 25 people who purchase the new PEXtender will get 2 weeks of FREE meCoach personalized coaching! The guys over at meCoach will help ensure you get off on the right foot with adding your PEXtender to your male enhancement routine!

But, hurry, this offer is only good for the first 25 customers – and there are only a few more spots left!!





5 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Testosterone


Benefits of high testosterone


That word is synonymous with “male.”

However, as men age, their natural levels of testosterone begin to decline. You start losing this hormone, responsible for your metabolism, muscle mass and sex drive from the age of 30. This puts you at a greater risk for:

  • Obesity,
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Depression, and
  • Cardiovascular Disease

Thankfully, there are ways you can counteract the ravages of time. Here are five ways you can boost your testosterone – NATURALLY!

5 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Testosterone

#1 – Eat Healthy Fats

Despite what the heavily subsidized grain industry would have you believe, healthy fats are not evil. Fat is needed for your body to be able to metabolize vitamins, like A, D, E, and K. Consuming healthy fats can also help you naturally boost your testosterone levels! Healthy fats include:

  • healthy fatsOlive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Egg yolks
  • Avocados
  • Fatty fish
  • Nuts

#2 – Get the Right Cholesterol

Cholesterol is bad, right?  WRONG! Testosterone is essentially made from cholesterol! So, for that reason, you need cholesterol in your diet… but, you need the right cholesterol – HDL, also known as high density lipoprotein. This “good cholesterol” is actually associated with improved cardiovascular health and weight loss, along with improvement in testosterone levels. Stay away from “bad cholesterol” – LDL, low-density lipoprotein. Good sources of HDL include most of the healthy fats list:

  • good cholesterol foodsFatty fish (like tuna and salmon)
  • Nuts and seeds (almonds, chia seeds, flaxseed, etc.)
  • High soluble fiber fruits (apple, pears, prunes)
  • Olive oil
  • Red wine (1 glass, a few times per week)
  • Berries also boost HDL

#3 – Supplements

There are several supplements you can take to help improve your testosterone levels. These include:

  • branched chain amino acidsZinc,
  • Vitamin D and
  • Branched Chain Amino Acids

#4 – Maximize Your Workout

Here are some tips for maximizing the testosterone effect with your workout.

  • squats can improve testosteroneDo high reps/low intensity – stay at 70 to 80% of your 1 rep max
  • Squats have been shown to improve testosterone
  • Working the large muscles of the upper back have also been shown to have positive testosterone results
  • Do no more of 60 minutes of moderate to high intensity workouts, as longer hours of training can decrease your testosterone.

#5 – Sleep

Lack of sleep can significantly reduce your testosterone levels. Try to get 7 to 9 hours  of sleep per night and be sure to turn off any screens in the bedroom – TVs, computers, phones. Ambient light can disrupt sleep patterns. If you need sound to fall asleep, try a fan or white noise machine – definitely no radios or TVs where the sound level, tone and intensity can change and interrupt your snoozing.

get sleep improve testosterone

Are You Suffering from “Summer Penis”?


summer penisThe heatwave hitting areas around the world (a friend of mine said it was 33C (91F) in Ireland the other day!) has a lot of people hot and bothered.

However, unlike the normal complaints when the temperatures soar — men are reporting an interesting phenomenon…


What is Summer Penis?

Summer penis is a phenomenon where men claim their penis appears to be bigger, thanks to the heat.

Now, this isn’t the same as summer penile syndrome, where guys get painful and itchy bites on their package. Instead, this phenomenon is all positive.

A Reddit thread had a user asking if other guys had experienced their dicks being larger in the summer and smaller in the winter.  Lots of guys chimed in and agreed. The theories began.

Is it the warm weather creating better blood flow?  Is it just the body trying to regulate temperature?

Orlando urologist Jamin Brahmbhatt confirms that the penis can change in response to temperature. He stated,

“Also when it’s hot outside, you may take in more water, which may in combination with the sweating make it appear like your body or skin is bloated. And that may give you the perception that things are larger.”

Dr Sarah Jarvis, GP and clinical director of Patient.info, said,

“Technically when you’re hot, as well as when you are excited, then your blood vessels may expand. When blood vessels on the surface are a bit bigger then things are going to look a bit bigger. But your penis is not growing, it’s just your blood vessels growing slightly larger as a way to reduce heat. And no, it’s not going to make you perform better either – when you are erect your penis is swollen to the max anyway.”

Basically, it’s the opposite of what happens when you jump into a cold pool and you experience shrinkage.

So, what do you think? Have you experienced Summer Penis?



25th Anniversary of Infamous John Wayne Bobbitt’s Penis Cutting Off


john wayne bobbitt 2018 penis cut off by wife frankenpenisIt has almost become a mythic tale.

Man wakes in the middle of the night, to find his deranged wife sawing off his penis with an 8-inch carving knife. Lorena Bobbitt, brutal mutilator of John Wayne Bobbitt, in her fury, threw the hacked off two-thirds of John’s penis out the window of a car.

The story made headlines around the world.

Heck, even Nasa’s Titan spacecraft acquired the nickname ‘Bobbitt’ because a section of the rocket detached during flight.

A search that epic night finally recovered the penis, and a nine-hour operation, by a urologist, Dr. Jim Sehn and a team, had it reattached. However, Bobbitt wasn’t out of the woods yet. For days, the possibility the penis would still die, turn black and fall off loomed over his head. Miraculously, his penis (and John himself) survived.

Back then, the focus was on the horrific act, then the recovery, then his foray into the world of pornography, most notably Frankenpenis…

But, what’s been lost in the mythos is the reason behind the attack in the first place.


Why in the world would a wife cut off her husband’s penis?!? What would motivate a person to do something like that to anyone, let alone someone you supposedly loved?!?

Now, with the 25th anniversary of this event news sources are reinvestigating the story. Going beyond the sensationalism (although certainly that is still the draw for the ratings-hungry media) and looking at the back story of the event. The “why.”

lorena bobbitt gallo 2018 cut off husband penisLorena (now Gallo) has always claimed she attacked her husband because he had come home drunk and raped her.  John, on the other, said the attack was because he wanted to end the marriage. In a recent interview he stated,

Basically, she said, if I can’t have his penis, then no-one will. She didn’t want me to be with another woman. If I was going to leave her, abandon her or get divorced, then there would be consequences.

The courts acquitted both of them. John was found not guilty of rape and assault. And, Lorena was acquitted by reason of temporary insanity.

But, clearly, one of them (or potentially both, I suppose) are lying.

Something happened that night that made Lorena snap. Will this 25-year reinvestigation help shed light on what really happened, or will it simply be more sensationalism, with no answers and a 21st-century #metoo twist?

What do you think?


New “Bobbitting”– Jealous Wife Cuts Off Husband’s Penis


wife cuts off mans penis while he brushes his teethOK, we just talked about it being the 25th anniversary of John Wayne Bobbitt having his manhood hacked off while he slept, and now, a new psycho-wife takes center stage.

The husband, an unnamed man from the Jiangxi Province city of Fengcheng had just started a new job. It was 7:30 in the morning, and the man was getting ready for work. He was brushing his teeth when his wife came up and with a pair of scissors, and…

…yeah, you guessed it, snipped off his penis.

Now, why…why in the world would someone do this?!?

Apparently, the wife suspected the guy of cheating on her, with the start of his new job. In fact, she had been so jealous, she had demanded he have NO contact with any other women. This included not speaking to any other females in person, talking to them on the phone, or even smiling at them.

The man was rushed to the hospital and doctors were, surprisingly, able to reattach his penis. What’s to become of the woman has yet to be publicized.  It’s China – it may be a capital offense. I don’t know if I would go that far, as far as punishment, but she hopefully will at least get some jail time.

No problem is ever solved by violence!

I would bet from now on the man puts on some underwear or pants before brushing his teeth, from now.


Tension Stretch Questions: Ask the Experts


male enhancement coach big al penis enlargement tension stretchBig Al, of MaleEnhancementCoach.com, answers questions about stretching for penis length, in this Ask the Experts article. This series of Q&As will focus on one of the most effective static stretches: the Tension Stretch

If you have questions you’d like answered in an Ask the Experts article, please PM Kimberly at PEGymKMWylie – and she’ll have the experts here on PEGym get your questions.

Q. I have not tested out the Tension Stretch yet but I will. I will start off with moderate force but I have a question…

…Is there decent risk of injury if I end up pulling too hard? Or is the tension required to hurt myself more than I can handle? Because sometimes I get into the moment and want the best gains possible so I pull pretty hard. I hope this is not too dangerous (during my Side to Side stretches).

Big Al:  One can hurt themselves if they use too much force.  This is why it’s recommended to ALWAYS start any new exercise using a low enough amount of force so the form of the exercise is mastered before adding any volume or intensity (see: Before starting any male enhancement routine- please read!)  Make sure you warm up properly and do not put volume and intensity over form and feel.  This should ensure you should do well at avoiding injuries. 


Q. I’m performing just the Tension Stretch for length…

I feel that it is adequate enough. I just really like the stretching so I wanted to see if you thought it would be ok to add another exercise. I’ll just add more reps to my Tension Stretch. I’ll probably increase reps by 5 each time until I feel I’ve done enough.

Big Al:  You may want to experiment with longer hold times for your Tension Stretch if you feel you need an added challenge.  See what a 30 vs 20 second hold feels like.  If you do experiment with longer rep times, you’ll need to cut your total reps accordingly.  An alternative is to use LESS time and more force, but this is trickier as well as more risky.

The post Tension Stretch Questions: Ask the Experts appeared first on PEGym.

Jelqing Results 2018 Report – Does Jelqing Really Work?


Jelqing results 2018 report – Does jelqing really work?

Let’s take a look at the results some members have gotten with jelqing as a major part of their male enhancement routine, with our jelqing results 2018 report.

jelqing results 2018 penis enlargement happy guy jelqing report 2018Whether you’re looking for:

  • Penis length enlargement
  • Penis girth enlargement
  • Erection hardness improvement or
  • Increased stamina

Jelqing is the base to every effective male enhancement routine.

Our jelqing results 2018 report takes real results, from real men, to see the progress they’ve made, thanks to jelqing.

Member Name Jelqing Results 2018 Time it Took to Gain 1st 1/2-Inch
feelsgood 3 months of pumping and very light jelqing; twice a day of 5 min at 5″Hg, then 10 min at 9″Hg. 3 months
jockinthebox Jelqs (about 250), edging + my URO stretches 5 days a week, then wearing a steel cockring the balance of the day+ sleeping to hold engorgement & cement. 2 months
Telerecca At first I was just doing jelqs. Then I did some research and started JP90’s routine. 3 months
DaveX My PE routine has now settled into something consistent that I’m happy with (and really enjoy) and it’s simply jelqing for 40-60 strokes then edging for 5 mins and repeat (for about 30mins). I do this 3 to 4 times a day – Three days in a row then 1 day rest. 3 1/2 weeks
Priorititties A stretching and jelqing routine. I do believe that this also has to do a lot with my improved EQ. 25 days
jhon ny I m doing 2 hours streching 35 min jelqing10 min ulis 13 min clamping 3 months
ino What I did differently was implementing V-jelqs and longer warm-ups and some more jelqs. 9 monhts
HopefulPersistant I regret not focusing more on V jelqs. I kind of rushed through those after finishing 30 mins of standard jelqing. I did warmup really well though, 15-20 mins each time. 4 months
domnus I started jelqs and basic stretching. 6 – 8 months
Vegetableman123 JP90 and jelqing in general i guess has made my erections so much stronger already, while standing while erect I would be erect out at a 90 degree angle straight, now its a lot stronger and at a 45 degree angle. In progress
duude I was doing some sort of stretches, 10′ Jelqs and a lot of flaccid and erect kegels. 2 – 3 months
Dongo My routine starts with manual stretching, then jelqing for at least 30 min, I then do some more manual stretching. When eq permits I do some light clamping. 6 weeks
Undead Lots of jelqs with little to no length exercises. 360 stretches and side to side holding between 6-10 seconds. 4 months

The post Jelqing Results 2018 Report – Does Jelqing Really Work? appeared first on PEGym.

How to Eat Healthy: The Challenge with Discussing Nutrition


How to Eat Healthy: The Challenge with Discussing NutritionNutrition is a tricky topic. If you ask 100 nutritionists, doctors, etc. what they feel is appropriate nutrition for a healthy lifestyle, chances are you are going to get 100 different answers.

Or a multitude of variations in between!

How to Eat Healthy: The Challenge with Discussing Nutrition

The reality is there are 2 things you should consider when deciding what sort of nutrition advice you should follow:

  1. What does your personal physician say? They likely know your unique medical condition better than anyone other than yourself. They know what medications (if any) you’re on. And, can monitor you for any negative side effects of a particular dietary plan.
  2. What works for you? I know people who swear by every single diet plan out there. They’ve lost weight – feel better and are healthier. Then, on the flip side, I know people who have tried every single diet plan out there, and it didn’t work for them. Most of the time, it’s simply because they are unable to stick with it – it doesn’t fit with their lifestyle.

As with all recommendations here on PEGym – listen to your body and talk to your physician. Do your research and monitor your results, as well as corollary factors, such as blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, etc. In the end, it’s YOUR body. You make the final decision.

Supplements – For Dietary Nutrition Reasons and/or Male Enhancement

How to Eat Healthy: The Challenge with Discussing Nutrition supplementsSupplements can be a great addition to any nutrition plan. However, if you’re considering taking a supplement, you need to be aware of some considerations.  (Some of these great considerations were provided to us by ArtisticAnarchist. Thank you, AA!)

  • The supplement industry has essentially zero regulation in the United States.
  • There are an innumerable amount of products that contain ingredients (often harmful) not listed on the product label.
  • Supplements are also easily contaminated when being produced (typically due to the production equipment not being cleaned properly), and this increases in frequency if they’re made outside the United States.
  • Some supplements may affect other medications you are taking, either by interacting with them and causing negative side effects or prohibiting your body from taking in the medication needed.

So, what should you do?

  1. Talk to your physician before adding any supplement to your nutrition plan. Make sure it won’t interact with any of your other medications.
  2. Buy your supplements from a reputable source. The male enhancement supplements we recommend here on PEGym are ones our team members have actually used (so we know they work) and are from manufacturers we trust.

We have several good posts on male enhancement supplements, including:

3 Supplements to Boost Your Sex Life

Benefits and Challenges of Penis Supplementation

L-Arginine vs. Agmatine Sulfate

VigRX PLUS: A Fresh Twist on One of Our Most Popular Supplements

Natural Sources for Penis Enlargement Vitamins

Probiotics: What Are They & Do I Need Them?

Penis Supplement Ingredients

Just to name a few.

I suppose the point is, and this goes with all nutrition, is to ALWAYS consider what you’re putting into your body carefully. The old adage —

You are what you eat.

Is very true. Plus, you only get one body – so take care of it!


The post How to Eat Healthy: The Challenge with Discussing Nutrition appeared first on PEGym.

How to Really Get a Bigger Penis: Tried & True Methods


happy guy bigger penisIt’s one of the most popular searches on the Internet — “How do I get a bigger penis?” It’s not surprising. The penis is so connected to your masculinity, by society. It’s connected to your virility. When you’re uncomfortable about your penis size, it affects your relationships with everyone. You become insecure about how you look, even when fully dressed. Forget about the damage it can do to your personal relationships.

Let’s take a look at how you can really get a bigger penis.

Penis Exercises for a Bigger Penis

Penis exercises are one of the most effective ways to get a bigger penis. From penis stretching to jelqing to Kegels and more, all you need to reach your goals is private time, your hands and knowledge. We have some great resources to help you get started with penis exercising. Check out the following links:

Penis Devices for a Bigger Penis

If you’re looking for a bigger penis, and don’t have the time or privacy for manual penis exercises, there are devices out there that can help. These devices are created to give you the same workout, but with less time and more effectively. Let’s take a look at the most popular devices.

  • PEXtender by PEGym Penis Extender Set No PumpPenis Extenders – Penis extenders hold the penis in an extended state for a long period of time. They’re worn for hours at a time. Some devices are so comfortable you can wear them while you sleep. Some are so discreet you can even wear them under clothes. Extenders like PEXtender and Phallosan Forte are both comfortable and discreet.
  • Penis Pumps – Penis pumps expand the penis both along the length, making it longer, and also widthwise, along the girth. This will help make your penis thicker. Penis pumps like the Bathmate can be used both in and out of the shower, for the ultimate convenience.

bathmate penis pump penis enlargement

Bigger Penis Pills and Creams

Penis pills and creams are the stuff of late night infomercials and snake oil salesmen. It’s the primary reason why penis enlargement has such a bad reputation. However, if you want a bigger penis, pills and creams alone won’t do it. Some pills and creams DO encourage blood flow to the penis. This can give the penis a larger appearance. They are also great for helping heal the microtears from manual exercises or devices. However, they aren’t enough to get permanent results alone.

The Most Important Factors for a Bigger Penis

Once you’ve decide on whether you want to use manual penis exercises or penis devices or a combination of both to get a bigger penis, you have to have these important factors to be successful. These include:

  • Consistency. You have to be consistent with your exercises or wearing your device. Without consistency, you won’t see results.
  • Proper Intensity. Too light of intensity, and you won’t see results. Too much intensity, and you could injure yourself.
  • Time. There are no overnight results. Penis enlargement takes time and patience. Some start seeing results in weeks. But, most see results in months. Don’t rush it! You don’t want to go too fast and hurt yourself.

The post How to Really Get a Bigger Penis: Tried & True Methods appeared first on PEGym.

Best Penis Extender Review of 2018 – Benefits, Costs & More


Penis extenders are a great way to get the penis enlargement results you want. In fact, even surgeons who perform penis enlargement surgery often prescribe the use of a penis extender to their patients. However, there are so many on the market, it’s often difficult to decide which one is right for you. Check out our penis extender review of 2018 to help you pick the perfect extender.

2018 Penis Extender Review

PEXtender by PEGym Penis Extender Review

Price: $199.99

PEXtender by PEGym Penis Extender Set No Pump penis extender reviewThe PEXtender by PEGym is the first branded PEGym product. We listened to the men on our forums who were looking for an affordable, vacuum extender.  With support from the coaches at MaleEnhancementCoach.com, PEGym members get 1 free week of coaching by using coupon code –


PEXtender by PEGym Penis Extender Benefits

  • Affordable
  • Easy-to-use
  • Vacuum extension without the need of an external vacuum pump
  • Comfortable enough to wear while sleeping
  • Discreet enough to wear under everyday clothing
  • PEGym members get 1 free week of personalized coaching with coupon code
  • Rep support on PEGym forums

PEXtender by PEGym Penis Extender Warranty

14-day no questions asked happiness guarantee. Plus, the PEXtender offers a 1-year warranty against defects on non-wear items.

Phallosan Forte Penis Extender Review

Price: $339.00

phallosan forte new packaging penis extender penis enlargement penis extender reviewThe Phallosan Forte is the Cadillac of penis extenders. Or, should we say, BMW – since they were designed in Germany. Thousands of PEGym members have successfully used the Phallosan Forte to reach their penis enlargement goals.

 Phallosan Forte Penis Extender Benefits

  • Vacuum extender
  • Comfortable enough to wear while sleeping
  • Discreet enough to wear under everyday clothing
  • Rep support on PEGym forums

Phallosan Forte  Penis Extender Warranty

14-day return of unopened product. 1-year warranty against defects on non-wear items.

SizeGenetics Penis Extender Review

Price: $298.95

SizeGenetics is an advanced designed penis extender. It has a 58-way comfort system, medical Type 1 device. Their research showed an increase of penis size by up to 30%.

SizeGenetics Penis Extender Benefits

  • 58-way comfort system
  • Free shipping
  • Lots of free extras

SizeGenetics Penis Extender Warranty

6-month warranty

Quick Extender Pro Penis Extender Review

Price: Starts at $119.00

The Quick Extender Pro is a rigid extender that has a package for a variety of needs and budgets.

Quick Extender Pro Penis Extender Benefits

  • A variety of packages for every budget
  • Double support system
  • Designed to even fit micropenises
  • PEGym members discount – Use code PEGYM to save 25%

Quick Extender pro Penis Extender Warranty

1-year warranty for PEGym members

Penimaster Penis Extender Review

Price: $189.00

The Penimaster is a rigid extender that has helped men for more than a decade.

 Penimaster Penis Extender Benefits

  • Adaptive fastening system

Euro Extender Penis Extender Review

Price: $199.95

The Euro Extender is a traditional rod extender.

Euro Extender Penis Extender Benefits

  • Comes with enlargement supplements
  • Comes with penis exercise instruction to maximize gains
  • One of the best return policies in the industry

Euro Extender Penis Extender Warranty

180-day satisfaction guarantee.

Male Edge Penis Extender Review

Price: $179.00

The Male Edge is a traditional rigid extender that is both comfortable and affordable.

Male Edge Penis Extender Benefits

  • 3D instructional video
  • Online training Program
  • Best guarantee in the industry

Male Edge Penis Extender Warranty

Double your money back guarantee.

X-4 Labs Penis Extender Review

Price: $129.00

The X-4 Labs penis extender is one of the most affordable extenders on the market. It’s an innovatively designed extender, despite its traditional rod design.

X-4 Labs Penis Extender Benefits

  • Comfort loop strap
  • 4-in-1 Quad Support piece
  • Hybrid traction system

 Penis Extender Warranty

The X-4 Labs extender has a 6-month growth guarantee.

The post Best Penis Extender Review of 2018 – Benefits, Costs & More appeared first on PEGym.

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