Smelly Penis Ruining Your Sex Life? Here’s How You Can Prevent It
* This article is a repost which originally appeared on LatestLY
Just imagine how embarrassing would it be if your girlfriend complained about your penis being smelly! A smelly penis reflects badly on you, because it clearly hints that you have no sense of genital hygiene. It’s not an uncommon phenomenon when a penis gives out a foul odour and if it does, then there are chances you could also be having smegma buildup. Smegma is a mixture of oils and skin cells around the penis, especially under the foreskin. If you are uncircumcised, the buildup is more. Too much smegma, if you don’t shower enough or wash your penis regularly, can create smelly white chunks that can breed bacteria. Yuck!
This isn’t a hazardous condition but that doesn’t mean you don’t treat it. A smelly penis can have adverse effects on your sex life. Among the many sex queries on the internet today, the one about a foul-smelling penis is most common. So, how do you tackle it? What are the causes of it and how can you prevent it from occurring again? We help you out.
The Causes and Symptoms of a Smelly Penis
Apart from smegma, there are quite a few other reasons that could possibly be the cause of a bad-smelling penis. STDs like gonorrhoea, chlamydia, balanitis, yeast infection and UTI (Urinary Tract Infections) can be the cause for it too. The accompanying symptoms range from itchiness, redness, swelling, irritation to a burning sensation while peeing. Cloudy or pink urine, enlarged prostate and a frequent need to pee even if you don’t pass much urine are also some of the symptoms to look out for.
What Can You Do For Prevention?
1. Using a condom while having sex is a must. Unprotected sex not only paves way for unwanted pregnancy but also unwanted STIs.
2. Don’t forget to wash your penis thoroughly after having sex.
3. To get rid of a smelly penis, it’s important you practice hygienic habits. Cleaning and washing your genitals every day is the simplest and easiest way to avoid a smelly penis.
4. Don’t wear underwear without patting it dry. After cleaning it, make sure you pat dry under the foreskin and penis.
5. Avoid wearing underwear that’s too tight.
6. Trim your pubic hair regularly.
Bad smelling penis has implications beyond your sex life. If you don’t get to a doctor on time or practise better hygiene, your health may take a turn for the worse.
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