AJ “Big Al” Alfaro is the head coach at MaleEnhancementCoach.com . He’s helped thousands of men reach their male enhancement goals!
Many reading this article will be familiar with the more regular types of male enhancement exercises like jelqs, standard stretches, and kegels. As with most endeavors, when enough people begin to experiment with different variations on a theme there are often new and unusual methods developed. Because of the exotic and even risky nature of the movements below, we won’t go into recommendations for time or repetitions. If you do decide to attempt any of the movements recommended below please use caution and prudence- especially in your initial sessions.
The following are a list of some of the more rarely performed movements:
- Pseudo-Kegels: For this exercise the penis should be erect and the trainee lying on his side. The upper and inner parts of thighs (and not the pelvic floor) are contracted to force more blood into the penis. One trainee mentioned how he used to perform this while relaxing and it would induce a tissue stretch which could be felt for upwards of 30 minutes.
. - Erect Root Pulls: This movement is similar to the erect jelq except the thumb and forefinger remains locked at the base. The penis is stretched while keeping this lock to ensure maximum tissue expansion. This exercise would be considered a movement for girth and length.
. - Buffalo Bills: This exercise is similar to the BTC stretch except the trainee repeatedly goes from a seated to standing position to induce a deeper stretch. The client who came up with the name for this exercise mentions getting the idea from the scene in “The Silence of the Lambs” movie where the antagonist performs a dance with his penis tucked between his legs.
. - Sink Jelqs: This exercise is also known as a “Tub Jelq”. It’s considered one of the more risly movements in this list. Using the edge of a sink, tub, or other rigid fixture the trainee proceeds to place his penis on it while using his other hand for positioning and restriction. He then slides back- effecting a type of jelq using the hard surface as a fulcrum. Great care should be taken when performing this movement since the hard surface and pulling back of the body can easily cause injuries.
. - Penis Banding: This is perhaps the most controversial movement on this list. Some of the forum members have even debated banning it from discussion. This movement is performed by applying ligatures to the penis with the goal of cutting off circulation and impinging the nerves to create a numbing effect. Some who’ve attempted this movement claims it yields instant, long lasting results. Even those who’ve used it successfully have claimed negative side effects and attest to the riskiness of the movement- as well as the potential long term negative side effects. Ligature tools range from rubber bands to castration bands. I would personally recommend against this practice!
If you have any experience with the above movements please feel free to share your results on PEGym!