In this series of articles, Big Al, of, explores male enhancement safety. This is a multi-part series of articles. You can read Part 1 of this series here —
Male Enhancement Exercise Safety – Part 1.
Check back tomorrow, for the final part of our Male Enhancement Exercise Safety series!
Nothing in this article should be construed as medical advice. It’s important to consult with your physician before undertaking any new exercise program.
While it wouldn’t be prudent to outline a precaution for every single exercise, a general outline for prevention of most major movements is listed as follows:
Kegels- If you’re new to this exercise, begin by using only enough contractile force to accomplish the exercise- and no more! Only when you’ve sufficiently mastered the exercise should you consider adding additional resistance. We recommend being able to get at least 50 reps of the 5 second kegel in one session before adding intensity (weight/force).
Some make the grave mistake of contracting their PC muscles very hard during this movement. This can cause severe overtraining and even injury- as the muscles of the pelvic basket can be very difficult to heal due to their constant use. Abusing kegels by performing too may reps (in one sitting or spread out throughout the day) can also cause problems over time- like spasming and a sore PC.
Jelqs/ULIs- The main complaint from those who abuse this exercise is pain in the glans. This is due to attempting to force blood into the glans too vigorously. Some experience issues with this exercise when attempting to use too much force with a high degree of erection. Very high erection girth movements (90%+ erect) should be the domain of more seasoned trainees- as the degree of force necessary to accomplish the exercise goes up exponentially- as does the risk of injury.
Stretches- The main risk of injury from stretching comes from overgripping (applying too much grip force) to the shaft and glans. Always note to stretch using only enough grip strength to accomplish the exercise. You can use a small towel or other form of padding to enhance your grip and protect your penis.
Bundled movements- “Bundling” is where the penis is twisted while the movement is performed. This is meant to add another vector of force to a movement. Understandably, these unusual movements can target the penis in a way most standard movements can- and not always in a good way. This is a high risk activity and should only be attempted by very advanced trainees with a high level of awareness of their own abilities (if at all). The risk of injury is further compounded when bundling is combined with clamping or other device work.
Hangers- Most would think the risk of injury from hanging comes from using too much weight. More often it’s the improper wearing of the device which creates problems. The glans is particularly vulnerable with hangers- especially when too much blood is trapped in the glans to begin with (hanging should be performed with a flaccid penis). Make sure there’s enough padding for the wear of the device to be comfortable, and make sure the device is only on as tight as it needs to be. If you start noticing any pain in the glans or if the device begins to slip, readjust the device as needed.
Another common side effect can be numbness and bruising. This can be avoided by not wearing the device too tight and by removing the device periodically to restore full circulation to the penis. Supersetting your hanging with a high erection exercise like the kegel is a good way to both restore circulation and get a synergistic training effect.
As can be expected, most of the vulnerabilities one would experience with stretches would be the same with hanger work- with the additional complication of the equipment involved.
Pumps- Because pumps use negative pressure to force enlargement, great care should be taken to not overdo the pressure or duration during your first sessions! Start off at no more than 3 mm Hg of pressure to be on the safe side. You’ll find a routine to help you with your hanging efforts on: Baseline for the Squeeze, a New Bathpump Routine & More: Ask the Experts
Pumping for too long can cause edema (swelling) and discoloration. In most cases the edema should dissipate on its own, but if blisters develop they might need to be drained.
Clamping- Clamps are often used to severely restrict the flow of blood and to create a platform for girth exercises. While this can be an effective method, the injury potential for using clamps is very high- and should only be attempted by very advanced trainees. It’s suggested you attempt other methods of achieving your girth goals before resorting to clamping. If you’re using a clamp, make sure there’s a quick release option available. You should also be prepared to deal with discoloration- as even the best attempts at clamping often lead to this side effect.