Big Al, of, answers questions about using the TOTALMAN Vacuum Chamber device, and phimosis.
If you have questions you’d like answered in an Ask the Experts article, please PM Big Al
Q. In your instructions of how to use the vacuum chamber attachment, you mentioned the use of a penis pump sleeve and attached rubber extension that goes up to the penis glans. Where can I purchase one!? Thanks
Al: You’ll want the SPANDEX SLEEVE for covering the glans, and the SILICONE SLEEVE for securing the VACUUM CHAMBER. You’ll also need 3M MICROPORE TAPE for foundational protection of the glans.
Please see the following tutorial for full instructions: Taping and Attaching the Vacuum Chamber – PART 1: PREPARATION
Q. I’m able to perform many of the stretches but I’m not able to get a full range of motion due to having phimosis. Is there something you’d recommend for resolving this?
Al: You NEED to get the phimosis issue taken care of if you want to train in an unfettered manner.
If your condition doesn’t require surgery, then phimosis-specific manual stretches would be recommended.
Here are the instructions:
‧ While in the bath or while using a lubricant, if there is enough of an opening to insert the tips of one finger on each hand, do so and very gently stretch the opening. Be sure to do this when your penis is completely flaccid.
‧ Hold the stretch for 30 to 60 seconds.
‧ Repeat for 10 to 20 reps, twice a day.
‧ If your opening is not that large yet, gently pinch your foreskin between your thumb and index fingers of both hands, at the opening, and stretch it from the outside of the skin.
‧ Continue this process until the foreskin can be retracted over the glans of the penis.
‧ This process may take a few months.
The following may be of additional interest: Phimosis (aka Tight Foreskin): Treatment Options
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