The following is a chapter taken from the book: The Ultimate Guide To Male Enhancement.
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Chapter 24: Advanced Exercises (Length)
Once you’ve successfully completed the beginner’s phase, you’ll be ready for the advanced routines. As an advanced trainee, you’ll be more qualified to discern when you need to take rest days and when you need to change your routine. As stated in the Basic Routine, you should usually take a 1 week rest every 4–6 weeks or so; but you may find your own individual recuperative abilities, schedule and health may dictate otherwise. This is also a phase for focusing on refinement, specialization and shaping.
Repetitions, intensity and frequency should be your goal to make each workout just a little more intense than the last. I generally recommend increasing the rep count (volume) by no more than 1–2% each subsequent workout. Don’t be afraid to stay at the same level of repetitions and focus on increasing intensity instead. You’ll likely get a better workout that way.
Reaching a Plateau
A plateau can be defined as reaching a point where you no longer make any gains. You may even see a decline in penile vigor if you attempt to train through a plateau.
To start gaining again, you should take a short rest and change your routine. Upon resuming training after a rest, it’s a good idea to start a little easier than where you left off (refer to Charting Your Progress for details).
Creating a Routine
In addition to the advanced routines listed here, you can create your own routines using any of the advanced exercises.
A good DIY advanced routine will consist of:
● A thorough warm up
● One good girth exercise
● One good length exercise
● Stamina work
● A thorough warm/cool down
When creating your own routines, I recommend sticking to one quality exercise per area worked (e.g. “girth”) unless you’re using supersets or other advanced exhaustion techniques. Pick the exercises which you feel work best for you.
My reasoning behind this is simple– the penis can be easily overtrained. The goal should be to work the penis as thoroughly as needed and no more. Doing an endless number of exercises indicates:
1. You’re not doing the right exercise if you need to do so many.
2. You’re not using enough intensity.
2. You’re not using enough intensity.