Sex or Edging After Training and Hanging Too Heavy- Ask The Experts
Big Al, of, answers questions about sex/edging after training and hanging too heavy.
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Q. Is it a good idea to have sex after training?
Al: If you’re referring to male enhancement training- and you have no negative issues like performance anxiety or low EQ, then sex after training can be a great way to finish off your workout. This also applies to manual edging- e.g.: Stop and Starts.
Q1. I’ve worked up to hanging 15 pounds for over an hour…
…but I haven’t seen any growth in months. What is it I’m doing wrong?
Al: It needs to be understood that training using enlargement specific exercises isn’t quite like other forms of bodily training. The exercises, reps, etc. are all incidental to quality tissue stretch.
It’s best to think of your enlargement training as something more akin to flexibility training than resistance training. Working up to 15 lbs of weight is only good if it’s a byproduct of growth, meaning the routine you performed yielded gains so you added more weight.
Did you make gains earlier in your routine?
Q2. I did make some gains…
and the workouts were more enjoyable. I’m also sore after each workout. This is probably not a good sign?
Al: This is not a good sign! You shouldn’t be feeling anything more than a mild soreness which dissipates in 24 hours or less.
You’d be well advised to go back to a lighter weight and do your best to focus on what you’re feeling with your hanging. Taking mental focus out of the equation with passive forms of training like hanging is easy, so really doing what you can to ensure quality maximum tissue stretch each session without pain or strain should be the goal.
You’ll know you’re on the right track when your penis appears elongated without being exhausted after your sessions, and (of course) by observing growth- which should be noted once every two weeks when you measure.
Your gains will also be greatly accelerated if you’re improving EQ as well.